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Carrington Middle School Class Syllabus

Ms. LeKeisha Hurst

Tutoring Hours: 2:45 – 3:45 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (with 24 hours notification)



Greetings Students and Parents/Guardian:


Hello and Welcome to Computer Skills and Application class.  I am LeKeisha Hurst and I am excited to be working with each of you throughout the semester.  This is my fifth year at Carrington Middle School. I am ecstatic about the semester as we navigate through our curriculum. There will be field trips associated with Career and Technical Education philosophy. We will share our experience on our class Instagram page.  Parents I solicit your partnership to assist with making this semester successful for your son or daughter.  You can track your child’s progress by visiting and or Google classroom with the access code provided, per your request. 

Be an active participant!  Participate to the best of your ability in completing your assignments.

Come prepared to listen, learn and work.


Course Description:


              This course is composed of instructional modules designed to provide hands-on instruction in basic keyboarding skills, computer concepts and software applications. The software applications include word processing, desktop publishing, presentation software, spreadsheets and databases.


  All assignments and tests/quizzes will be online.                                                                                                                                         

Grading Policy: You will be grade on keyboarding technique, effort/attitude, activities and projects that demonstrate your level of mastery. 

The grading scale is as follows: A:  90 – 100  B: 80 – 89  C: 70 – 79   D:  60 – 69  F:  Anything below 59

Project- 30%    Tests - 30%       Classwork:  30%       Current Events:  10%


Class Website/Online Quizzes and Tests: Your child will receive a username and password to access (separate from the school).   Students may access these sites from home as well.


Make Up & Late Work: Students will receive an opportunity to make up work from absences, but due to the hands-on, project-based nature of our class, much of our learning make up work may be an alternate assignment given in place of classroom activities or projects. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIND OUT WHAT HE/SHE MISSED DURING HIS/HER ABSENCE. Fridays will be a make-up day to complete and finish assignments.  Assignments turned in after the make-up date will receive 10 points deduction. Grades will be update biweekly in power school.



REQUIRED:  All grades pen/pencil, ear buds, file folders, and thumb drive

                        8th grade composition notebook


REQUIRED: Email account: I am highly recommending each student use his or her school email address as it is associated with all google software. The school email address for students is First Name-Last Name


Suggested Materials

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Kleenex

  • Clorox Wipes

  • Donations for rewards: fruit snacks, croc charms, etc.




Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

             6th Grade:  Learn basic computer concepts and skills through a Microsoft certification web-based e-learning program; basic keying skills, consisting of fluent manipulation of the keyboard, word processing formatting skills, desktop publishing and basic skills in multimedia presentations.


              7th Grade:  Learn advanced Microsoft Office with an integration of Google applications.  The software applications include word processing, presentation software, spreadsheets, and database. English language arts and mathematics are reinforce.


             8th Grade:  Computer Science Discoveries: Computer Science Discoveries (CS Discoveries) is an introductory computer science course that empowers students to create authentic artifacts and engage with computer science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.



One student will be pick from each class for the Student of the Week in conjunction with PBIS, free time on the computer, listening to music, playing games on the computer that will enhance skill development as it relates to his or her respective class.

Lesson review games via Kahoot and Plickers the winner gets a reward



Class Expectations:

1.     Respect yourself, others and the property of others and the school

2.     Take responsibility for your choices

3.     Complete daily classwork assignments.

4.     Participate in discussions and ask questions.

5.     Participate constructively as a team member.

6.     Problem-solve and accept challenges.

7.     Challenge yourself to continuous improve


Class Rules

1.     Be on time for class or come with an excuse from a teacher or administrator

2.     No gum, candy, food or drinks in the lab unless given permission to have it

3.     Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

4.    Do NOT tamper with any wires in an attempt to repair or repair any parts of the computers without permission from me

5.    Take good care of the equipment

6.    No electronic devices (cell phones) in class unless given permission for assignments.  If the student cell phone is out during class time without permission, it will be given to an administrator.



Consequences & Discipline: I have high expectations for behavior and expect my students to abide by school rules, and class expectations at all times. Those who choose to be disruptive or behave in a way that disturb the learning flow is not acceptable will have one or more or the following consequences:

        1st offense         warning

        2nd offense        phone call to parents

        3rd offense         discipline referral or write up and submitted to the administrators


Tardy/Attendance: Students who are frequently tardy or absent will have difficulty staying on top of the learning that will take place because the class is project and skilled-based.  I expect students to use class time wisely and ask for help when needed. Three tardies will result in phone call home and four tardies will result in after school detention.


Personal Devices: No electronic devices (cell phones included) in class unless given permission for assignments.  If the student cell phone is out during class time without permission, it will be take and handed over to an administrator.  Any use of a personal device is completely your responsibility.

Students MAY NOT check personal email, chat, and visit websites that has not been approved by teacher. Students caught doing any of these things will lose the use of the computers for the remainder of the class period and complete written assignment. If this continues to be a problem, parental consent will be required before computer privilege is return.






Please sign this document to let me know you have read this syllabus.  This signed document will be kept in your child’s folder in class, for future reference and will be counted as a participation grade.  If you have any questions or concerns, please write them below or email me at the address listed above and have your child bring it to my attention. Please include your email address and I will promptly reply to your question or concern.  Thank you much in advance for making this a great year!


Parents written name:______________________________

Parent’s signature:    _______________________________

Parent’s email: ___________________________________

Child’s Name: ____________________________________

Child’s Grade: ____________________________________

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